Delmon Optic and Hearing Aid center is a proud partner with the Bahrain Society of Optometry Hearing and Speech.

 About the BSOHS Society:

The Bahrain Society of Optometry Hearing and Speech was established in the Kingdom of Bahrain under the law of associations, social, cultural clubs, and bodies operating in the field of youth, sports, and private institutions and decree issued under Law No. 21 in 1989 under the title Bahrain Society of Optometry Hearing and Speech on 15 March 2004.

The BSOHS is a volunteer organization which aims to eliminate problems of sight, hearing impairments, and speech and to alleviate the impact of such disabilities on the patients and their families.

BSOHS Objectives:

  1. Raising awareness among citizens about the problems of sight, hearing, and speech.
  2. Collecting and researching available information about sight, hearing, and speech disabilities in Bahrain and abroad.
  3. Raising awareness and offering health advice to the public about these disabilities.
  4. Providing moral and emotional support for the families of those affected by such disabilities in order to mitigate the impact of their disability.
  5. Seeking to Include textbooks and other educational tools within educational institutions curriculums.
  6. Conducting studies and field surveys of sight, hearing, and speech impairments.

The BSOHS seeks to achieve its goals through the following means:

  1. Preparing lectures and seminars and workshops periodically.
  2. Preparation and distribution of brochures and posters.
  3. Usage of educational films.
  4. Cooperation with the Ministry of Education to include textbooks with basic information about the reasons for sight, hearing, and speech impairments.
  5. Cooperation with the Ministry of Health and other ministries to carry out studies and field surveys of these disabilities.
  6. Cooperation with international organizations and institutions in the field of treatment of hearing, sight, and speech problems.
  7. Broadcasting scientific lectures about vision and hearing problems in radio and television.
    Publishing scientific articles in newspapers and magazines.

Seminars, Workshops, and Short Courses:

The BSOHS offers seminars, workshops, and short courses in the field of optometry, hearing, and speech. For more information, please call (973) 17294171 or follow the link


Membership is entitled to all members of the community including the disabled. Members in the BSOHS should:

  1. Exercise the profession in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  2. Be over the age of eighteen years.
  3. Be a resident in the Kingdom of Bahrain
  4. Be of good behavior and not to be sentenced in an offense involving moral turpitude or dishonesty.
  5. Stick to the Statute of the Association bylaws.

Please follow the link for the BSOHS website for more information and membership application.